03-09-2025 Spring clean up
Hi Falcon Fans. As the days are getting longer, Rebecca and Kewpee have been in and out of the nest box a lot. One will often be perched on the edge of the box looking out over the territory. Occasionally they will be in the box together and show typical pair bonding with mutual bowing and sometimes touching beaks with each other. You are likely to see one of them on the nest cam these days. I did some spring cleaning around the nest box and window well last week to clean up debris before breeding season starts. It was a very cold morning and all the leftovers from a winter’s worth of meals were frozen to the bottom of the window well. It certainly is the glamorous part of the job. Rebecca was close at hand to supervise the work although she didn’t seem inclined to offer any help – just some verbal critique! There are a few videos clips that show one of both of the birds in the nest box. When do you think we will see the first egg this year? The earliest date for egg laying was March 16 in 2018.