06-14-2023 Back Home!

Two juvies passed their flying tests at Wildside Rehabilitation and Education Center and returned home today. The last chick that fledged (male Black X / Blue 26) was released this morning at the nest box. We were not sure how the adult birds would react since all of the juvies had been sent to rehab. After some aggressive fly-bys, we decided that the adults were reacting to the humans nervously watching through the window to see what would happen. After we humans made ourselves scarce, the adults settled down and welcomed the juvie home and soon brought food.

The second female chick to fledge (Black P / Blue 01) returned in the afternoon. This riled up her brother who decided it was a good time to practice his flying and made an excellent flight to the medical school roof. A few hours later, he found his way back to the nest box and joined his sister.

The other two juvies are making progress and we expect that they will also be home in a short time. We are grateful for the excellent care they get at Wildside Rehabilitation and Education Center. (https://www.facebook.com/wildsiderehab). Their large flight cage gives birds an opportunity to practice flying, get strong and learn some skills that hopefully will keep them airborne. It also offers an opportunity for the rehabbers to observe their flights to ensure that they are ready to be released.